Super-Simple SEO Tactics for Maximum Customer Acquisition
When optimizing your website for search engines, the ultimate goal is to boost its rankings and visibility. Precisely because of that, you need to build a highly user-oriented SEO strategy that attracts the right audience and converts them.
Here are a few tips you should apply right now.
1. Improve Website Experiences
When your potential customers visit your website for the first time, they have different intentions. No matter if they want to read an article or make a purchase, it all starts with the first touch.
If your website is slow, irresponsive, or spammy, your potential customers will not waste their time. They will kick it and go to your competitors.
That is why you need to provide seamless website experiences at essential touchpoints.

Boost your page load time.
According to statistics, if a website does not load in three seconds, most visitors will abandon it.
Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to analyze website performance. This free tool analyzes the content of your website page. It provides detailed diagnostics and actionable tips on how to improve page speed.
Your website speed depends on a wide range of factors. To improve it, you should:
- Invest in a hosting plan that aligns with your website needs.
- Use a content delivery network (CDN). A distributed network of servers reduces the geographical distance between a server and a user and, thus, reduces loading times.
- Reduce image size. Many compression tools can minimize the size of your visual content without compromising its quality.
Invest in a responsive design.
Irrespective of a user’s screen size and device, they should be able to view your website effortlessly. It should fit their screen and be easy-to-scan.
To test your website’s mobile-friendliness, use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. It even provides suggestions on how to boost website responsiveness.
Write metadata.
Those elements are vital to users. They tell them what the page is about and what kind of content to expect when they land. That will significantly boost user experiences, as well as minimize bounce rates. They also help Google index and rank your pages faster.
Use an SSL certificate.
Back in 2018, Chrome started marking HTTP as “not secure.” Google does that for a simple reason – they prioritize the safety of user data as it travels across the web. When a user loads a website over a plain HTTP, their connection is not encrypted, which may result in data breaches.
Google’s goal is to remind users of that. Seeing the “not secure” label, visitors may leave your website and look for a safer option.
Therefore, having an SSL certificate is crucial for your SEO. Noticing that your website is safe, people will trust you more and convert faster. The bounce rate will drop, too. To Google, those are clear indications that your site is valuable to users and that it should rank it higher.
2. Get the Most out of Keyword Research

Keyword research remains a fundamental SEO strategy. It is still critical for businesses wanting to boost Google rankings and put themselves in front of the right audiences.
However, in today’s hypercompetitive digital marketing landscape, you need to use keywords more strategically.
Rank for phrases with lower difficulty.
While your goal is to identify top keywords with a high search volume, sometimes it may be challenging to rank for such keywords, especially if your site is new. Your website will not be able to get noticed by the right audiences, entice them to click, and convert them.
That is why you should target long-tail keywords, too.
Those phrases have a lower search volume, but they are also less competitive, meaning you will rank higher for them. Also, people using them already know what kind of content or products they are looking for. For you, that is an opportunity to attract qualified leads that convert faster.
Analyze keywords based on search intent.
The performance of a keyword hugely depends on user intent. For example, is a user looking for information? Do they want to make a purchase? Maybe they want to visit a specific page.
For example, google “best food blogs,” and you will see that most results in the SERPS are blog articles and lists. Therefore, the intent of this keyword is informational. Using it to optimize your blog content is a great idea. However, optimizing your product pages for it may mislead users and result in higher abandonment rates.
Only by linking keyword intent with your website pages will you attract the right audiences, engage them, and convert them faster.
3. Repurpose Content to Attract Wider Audiences

Your target audience has different content preferences. While visual learners prefer infographics and videos, others are passionate about reading long-form and visually appealing articles.
Precisely because of that, you should repurpose your existing content to maximize its reach and visibility.
For starters, pay attention to your analytics. The goal is to identify the content pieces that have already generated a lot of engagement and conversions.
Remember that repurposing content is not all about changing its format. It often includes a lot of work and strategizing.
For example, when converting an article into an infographic, you need to break it down into several logical sections. Above all, you need to reduce the amount of text and focus on visuals.
Build Quality Links

Link building is an essential customer acquisition tactic for several reasons.
First, it allows you to boost brand visibility. By obtaining backlinks from popular websites, you will get noticed by their audiences and attract them to visit your website.
Second, when contributing to industry-specific and reputable sites, you will position yourself as a credible resource and drive traffic to your site.
Finally, link building is still a critical ranking factor. By building high-quality links on sites with high engagement and domain authority, you will appear higher in the SERPs.
Over to You
There you have it – a brief list of proven SEO tactics that will boost your customer acquisition practices.
When acquiring new customers, you need to attract the right people that are interested in purchasing from you and engaging them. And, these tactics may serve as a solid starting point.
How do you use SEO to boost customer acquisition?
Guest Author Bio: Raul is the editor-in-chief at Technivorz. He is a lot to say about innovations in all aspects of digital technology and online marketing. You can reach out to him on Twitter.