
FormKeep EduLog #4: Integrations Galore

Using FormKeep’s Google Sheets integrations to leverage your data

So, you now have your web form which you’ve thoroughly spam-protected, and you’re sending email campaigns to your contact list. What’s next now that you have all of this data pouring in and out of your business 24/7? Analysis of course! We used to all have to sit around and spend mindless hours performing data entry from some form into another, or God forbid- from paper into a spreadsheet. Those days are long gone, especially for the savvy readers of FormKeep’s EduLogs. 

FormKeep has developed a bunch of very robust integrations with various services, and that’s exactly what the owner of our trusty example co., the San Jose Veterinary Group, is going to be dealing with today. The easiest and most important integration that a web form administrator can make is that with Google Sheets. Google’s free spreadsheet service allows FormKeep users to store, access, and analyze data like never before. Seriously, even just 15 years ago, corporations were paying out the nose for capability that Sheets offers at no cost. 

So, let’s jump right into it.

Adding your Google Account

Firstly, head over to the “Integrations” tab in your FormKeep dashboard. The Google Sheets sub-tab will be automatically selected. Click the “Add Google Account” button.

This will take you to a page that outlines Sheets’ use and culminates in another “Add Google Account” button. Click it.

After logging in to your selected Google account and giving FormKeep the requisite permissions, you’ll be presented with a confirmation of your account linkage. Click the “Setup” hyperlink, which will bring us back to the “Integrations” tab.

Creating a Sheet

FormKeep cannot create a new spreadsheet for you, so you’ll have to head into the site and create a new one yourself. I named mine the “SJVG Contact Form” for future identification. Once it is created, you don’t have to do anything else except head back to the page that the last step’s “Setup” link brought you to.  (Dashboard -> Integrations -> Google Sheets)

Also, here is a great G-Sheet getting-started tutorial from our friends over at Zapier.

Linking your Sheet

Back on the integrations page, you will select your google account, desired spreadsheet, and desired sheet within the spread. Tick the “Replace first row” box to automatically write your contact form’s headers into the sheet. Click “Sync Worksheet”

You’re all set! Head back over to your spreadsheet by clicking the “View” button and you will see that FormKeep has automatically set it up to start storing submissions.

And that’s that! Each new submission that the linked form receives will be quickly stored in your new spreadsheet. You can now quickly and easily sort through thousands of entries, and this integration also opens the door for extremely robust analysis. Your data is your oyster!

This is so useful for a bunch of reasons: Ultra-low cost data storage, G Suite integration, data analysis, data enrichment, and so many more.

Please also feel free to check out the tutorial on our YouTube Channel!

Integration Enlightenment

And that brings us to the end of our fourth EduLog! I hope you’re happy with your newfound capability, and I promise you, FormKeep has so much more to offer. You might have noticed some of our more advanced integrations on your dashboard: You can integrate your Slack team, or even use a custom webhook to get notified when you receive a submission. One can also integrate with any of Zapier’s 1000+ supported apps. You can even add a FormKeep web form to a Wistia video that can be filled out during playback. 

I hope you make use of your newfound power wisely! Small business owners are being offered enterprise functionality at prices that get lower every day, and I hope that FormKeep can help you leverage those functionalities beyond your expectations. So far we’ve learned how to get a web form up and running, harden it against spam, use it to power an email campaign, and this week we’ve integrated submissions into 3rd-party services. We’re another week closer to mastery. See you next monday!

Be sure to check out next week’s EduLog where we’ll be delving into a case study!