
FormKeep EduLog #3: (Email)Campaigning with FormKeep

Using FormKeep’s native Email Campaign function to perform seamless outreach So, you have your web form and you’ve thoroughly protected it from spam. You think that now you’ve time to rest: The customers will come flooding in and they’ll stay engaged. I hate to break it to you, but we’re only just getting started. This […]


FormKeep EduLog #2: Lessons from the Dark Side of Web Forms

Learning how FormKeep’s spam protection prevents bad actors from invading your web forms So,  you think you have a simple web form and a business that is unlikely to attract attention from the dark web? It’s a pleasant thought until you wake up one morning with 5,000 form responses when your normal daily rate is […]


FormKeep EduLog #1: Your Web Form Learning Journey

Integrating FormKeep web forms into your Squarespace static website.  When I signed up for this summer internship, I didn’t know what to expect. When — on day 1 — FormKeep asked me to write an EduLog documenting my experience learning about web forms, I was even more perplexed. What the heck is an EduLog? Web […]


FormKeep 2020 Mid-Year Updates: Tab Changes, Features, and More

We’ve been busy here at FormKeep with a lot of new improvements and features. We’ve been working hard on delivering our new Email Campaign feature in the first half and that got the team excited about implementing some additional UX changes that have been bothering us for a long time. We understand that moving some […]

Integrations Web Development

How to pipe FormKeep data to a data warehouse using Stitch

Create reports and visualizations with data from FormKeep and other sources by using a data warehouse FormKeep provides form endpoints for developers and designers. You can point your form at a FormKeep URL, publish it to your site, and start collecting data without writing code for the form back end. Once you have some data, […]

Web Development

How to Create Better WordPress Forms Without a Plugin

Introduction The WordPress repository has thousands of plugins, which you can use to extend the functionality of your static WordPress website. For example, there are several plugins that you can use to create forms and harvest user information. However, the WordPress plugins are cumbersome to manage and, frequently, deny you the control to build things […]

Web Development

Sample “Contact Us” Form Template You Can Customize

At FormKeep, we make it easy to use your own form HTML and use our backend to capture, store and process your data. In this example, we have developed a simple Contact Us template that includes the following elements: First Name, Last Name, Email, Subject and Newsletter Subscription Checkbox. Below the Submit button you can […]

Web Design Web Development

Your Form Design, Our Backend

One of the reasons that FormKeep is so popular with web developers and designers is that it’s easy to style your form exactly the way you want. Unlike alternatives that require you to use their form templates and layouts, FormKeep makes it easy to layout and style your form exactly the way you want without […]

Web Development

42 Tools All Speedy Front-End Developers Use

Are you the type of developer that uses tools to speed things up? Well we have 42 of them you might want to check out.


How to Deal with Clients That Aren’t Designers (But Think They Are)

Do some of your clients have trouble seeing your creative vision? Here’s what you should do.