Marketing Update/News

Introducing FormKeep Email Templates

Email outreach is a must. From promoting your business, finding your prospects, building your brand, emails are the tried and true method of reach and connection. And you don’t need 100+ different outreach templates to win! What you do need is a few email outreach templates that work. Something specific to what you’re trying to […]


How to Use FormKeep Email Campaigns to Grow Your Reach

Email marketing is one of the most reliable, cost-effective forms of digital marketing, and it has only increased in effectiveness in 2020. People who are in quarantine or working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic are a captive audience — which means they’re more likely to engage with content in their email inbox. The […]


FormKeep EduLog #3: (Email)Campaigning with FormKeep

Using FormKeep’s native Email Campaign function to perform seamless outreach So, you have your web form and you’ve thoroughly protected it from spam. You think that now you’ve time to rest: The customers will come flooding in and they’ll stay engaged. I hate to break it to you, but we’re only just getting started. This […]


FormKeep 2020 Mid-Year Updates: Tab Changes, Features, and More

We’ve been busy here at FormKeep with a lot of new improvements and features. We’ve been working hard on delivering our new Email Campaign feature in the first half and that got the team excited about implementing some additional UX changes that have been bothering us for a long time. We understand that moving some […]